Averaging Axial Extensometers

This all-purpose averaging axial extensometer is used in tension or compression to measure Young’s modulus, offset yield, and strain to failure. It is compact and lightweight. Gauge length is set automatically for fast specimen mounting.
- May be left on through specimen failure with most materials.
- Full bridge, 350 ohm strain gaged design for compatibility with nearly any test system.
- Standard units meet ASTM class B-1 requirements for accuracy. A test certificate is included. ISO 9513 class 0,5 test certificates are available upon request.
- Simple clip-on mounting with automatic gauge length setting.
- Smaller than other averaging extensometers – fits in narrow spaces.
- Measures average strain in both tension and compression, and can be used for cyclic testing.
- & More
Model 3442AVG extensometers are strain gaged devices, making them compatible with any electronics designed for strain gaged transducers. Most often they are connected to a test machine controller, and Epsilon will equip the extensometer with a compatible connector wired to plug directly into the controller. For systems lacking the required electronics, Epsilon can provide a variety of solutions for signal conditioning and connection to data acquisition systems or other equipment.