Shunt Calibration System
The Epsilon Shunt Calibration System is available for any strain-gaged extensometer. The Epsilon Shunt Calibration System provides an easy way to calibrate an extensometer and signal conditioning electronics without using a mechanical calibrator. Shunt calibration...
Better Accuracy When Testing Small and Delicate Specimens
Getting more accurate and repeatable test results at short gauge lengths is now easier due to key design updates in the Model 3442 extensometer. Gauge length is now set using a precision pin, significantly improving gauge length accuracy and repeatability when...
Clip-On Extensometer for Sandwich Core Shear Testing and Rigid Cellular Plastic Shear Testing
Clip-on Model 3421 extensometers measure shear strain of foam and honeycomb sandwich cores, as well as rigid cellular plastics. Suitable for measuring shear modulus, 2% offset shear strength, and stress-strain curves prior to specimen failure, they may also be used...
X-Y Planar Biaxial Extensometer Operates in Biaxial Strain Control up to 1600 °C
A new, high-precision tool for planar biaxial strain measurement, the Model 7651 measures X-Y biaxial strains without crosstalk at temperatures up to 1600 °C. Designed for planar biaxial fatigue in strain control and combined X-Y tension testing.