Clip-On Extensometer for Sandwich Core Shear Testing and Rigid Cellular Plastic Shear Testing

Clip-on Model 3421 extensometers measure shear strain of foam and honeycomb sandwich cores, as well as rigid cellular plastics. Suitable for measuring shear modulus, 2% offset shear strength, and stress-strain curves prior to specimen failure, they may also be used for sandwich core shear fatigue testing.
The Model 3421 is applicable for testing to the following standards:
- ASTM C273 Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials
- ASTM C394 Shear Fatigue of Sandwich Core Materials
- ISO 1922 Rigid cellular plastics — Determination of shear strength
- DIN 53294 Testing of sandwiches; shear test
- EN 12090 Determination of Shear Behavior of Thermal Insulation Products (single specimen test only)
Model 3421 extensometers are adjustable to work with a range of specimen thicknesses and widths, and can be used with tension or compression test fixture loading.