What’s New at Epsilon
X-Y Planar Biaxial Extensometer Operates in Biaxial Strain Control up to 1600 °C
A new, high-precision tool for planar biaxial strain measurement, the Model 7651 measures X-Y biaxial strains without crosstalk at temperatures up to 1600 °C. Designed for planar biaxial fatigue in strain control and combined X-Y tension testing.
Axial/Torsional Extensometer Measures & Controls Axial and Shear Strains up to 1600 °C
Axial/torsional fatigue testing in strain control as well as combined tension-torsion monotonic tests can be performed with precision using the Model 7650 biaxial extensometer. Specimen contact occurs via ceramic rods, enabling combined axial and shear strain...
Fatigue Testing up to 10 Hz at 1600 °C with High-Precision Axial Extensometers
Model 7650A extensometers measure strains with extremely high precision due to their design features and low strain range. Capable of tension and compression strain measurement, they may be used for fatigue testing under fully reversed load and strain conditions at...
Rebar Coupler / Rebar Splice Extensometer Provides Repeatable Elongation Measurement
Accurately measure strain and elongation of rebar coupler, splice, and sleeve assemblies using the Model 3567 extensometer. Suitable for tension, cyclic, slip, and differential elongation tests per ASTM A1034, it replaces homemade clip gages and LVDTs with a reliable,...
New Extensometers Boost Strain Measurement Accuracy and Extend Temperature Limits up to 600 °C
Epsilon Technology introduces new high-temperature extensometers with maximum temperature increased to 600 °C
New Transverse Extensometers for Measuring Poisson’s Ratio at 600 °C
For measuring Poisson’s Ratio at temperatures up to 600 °C, Epsilon Technology announces the Model 7675 transverse extensometer.
New COD Gages for Fracture Mechanics and da/dN Testing up to 600 °C
New high-temperature COD gages with improved accuracy and higher test frequency capabilities measure crack length at temperatures up to 600 °C.