Indirect Tensile Testing of Asphalt

Indirect Tensile Testing of Asphalt

Extensometers for Indirect Tensile Testing of Asphalt – Model 3911 Designed to meet many of the needs for testing asphalt core samples in 100 mm and 150 mm (4 and 6 inch) diameters. It meets test method requirements for strain measurement developed under the...
Diametral – Rock and Concrete

Diametral – Rock and Concrete

Diametral Extensometers for Rock and Concrete Testing – Model 3975 Designed for accurate measurement of small diametral strains such as those required to determine Poisson’s ratio of rock, concrete and asphalt samples. The units are designed to be used in...
High-Res Digital Extensometer Calibrator

High-Res Digital Extensometer Calibrator

Very High Resolution Digital Electronic Calibrators – Model 3590VHR Epsilon’s very high resolution calibrator features 20 nanometers (0.8 microinches) resolution and has 50 mm (2 inches) of measuring range. The 3590VHR calibrator meets the accuracy and...